
by Charles Weller

What is Aquamin™?

Aquamin™ is a unique multi-mineral complex powder extracted from the cell wall of the red marine algae, Lithathamnion calcareum, harvested from the cold Atlantic waters off the northwest and southwest coast of Ireland.  During a 5-year lifespan, the algae absorb trace minerals from the sea, giving Aquamin™ its unique multi-mineral content. The algae are then naturally broken down and settled into the sea beds forming calcified skeletal remains, which are harvested, washed, dried, and pulverized into a capsule supplement. It provides a great source of calcium, magnesium, and more than 74 trace minerals; all formulated to be bioavailable for the body to utilize quickly.


Benefits of Aquamin™

Growing research sheds light on the potential benefits of this amazing ingredient. Aquamin™ has been the subject of 33 peer-reviewed publications over the past decade, supporting its unique health-promoting abilities.

Bone Health

Aquamin™ has been shown to reduce pain and improve mobility and stiffness associated with bone health concerns, by inhibiting NF-κB and COX-2 activity in a dose-dependent manner. In a two double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 70 subjects with moderate to severe knee pain were randomly selected to one of four 12-week groups; 1) glucosamine sulfate, 2) glucosamine sulfate plus Aquamin™, 3) Aquamin™, 4) placebo. Overall, Aquamin™ out-performed the other three groups with subjects’ symptoms improving significantly by 7%, with a reduction in painkillers use by 50%.

Gastrointestinal Health

Recent studies have suggested that the high mineral content in Aquamin™ could help to reduce chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Its anti-inflammatory properties have shown to reduce inflammation in the stomach wall and play a role in the overall maintenance of a healthier gut.

Bioavailable Calcium

Calcium supplements must contain bioavailable calcium to be effective. Most calcium supplements vary significantly in their bioavailability, and although plant-based sources of calcium are rare, the highly porous nature of mineralized remains of Aquamin™ contains large amounts of readily bioavailable calcium.


How to Take Aquamin™

Aquamin™ is available in tablet and powder form. The versatile ingredient can be used in baked goods, sports beverages, snacks, noodles, plant-based ice cream, and smoothies.


Recommended Product

Organic Plant-Based Electrolytes-30 Servings (Pineapple Coconut)

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Charles Weller
Charles Weller

