
by Charles Weller

After learning from our previous articles about what a gluten-free diet is, along with the benefits, health effects, and who should follow such a gluten-free diet, you might have decided to take the gluten-free challenge for a trial period. It is important to note however, that before initiating a gluten-free diet, if you suspect gluten-intolerance as the cause to your health problems, it is highly recommended to get examined by a doctor and tested for celiac disease. If you are not already following a diet that consist of mostly natural foods, lean proteins, tons of vegetables, various fruits, and low amounts of high-carb and high-sugar items, then attempting to eliminate all foods containing gluten might be tricky. Nonetheless, there are plenty of options to choose from, which are becoming more widely and readily available. With a little research, preparation, and trial and error, you can come much closer to following a food plan that fuels a more healthy and happy you. And remember too, as is usually the case when making any drastic changes to your diet, consult with your doctor or physician beforehand.

Succeeding with Your Gluten-Free Diet

The most well-known food items that contain gluten are wheat, rye and barley. However, when following a gluten-free diet, there are many more foods to avoid, due to gluten sources that might not seem so obvious. While not currently controlled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there are proposals in the works for what can be labeled “gluten-free.” Currently, many producers adhere to the general rule that products tested for gluten at less than 20 parts per million (PPM) can be labeled “gluten-free.” For the most part however, you will want to stay away from foods that have any labels at all since the best choices are the non-processed, naturally gluten-free options. The best way to know which food items are safe for your gluten-free diet is to refer to a handbook or guide, such as Gluten Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide. A little research on the topic will show that there are several reputable wellness available online or at a bookstore.

Because many of the foods that are healthy and safe for your diet are not always readily available, especially when you are on the go, it is important to be prepared. In addition to knowing which foods you should eat and avoid, preparing a meal plan ahead of time is a good way to ensure that you will be getting all the essential nutrients and vitamins that you need. Referring to a reputable nutritionist or resource guide is highly recommended to ensure that you are following an adequate meal plan. Eliminating certain foods from your diet that you have always eaten could be bad for your health, defeating the purpose of trying a gluten-free diet, if the nutrients and vitamins are not replaced. The preparation does not end with the meal plan however, cooking your meals ahead of time or having healthy gluten-free snacks on-hand will help you to avoid to eating items that are not in your plan, especially when you find yourself in a bind, hungry, and in a setting where there are no safe or healthy options for your gluten-free diet. For a super convenient, healthy option (and affordable too), Ground-Based Nutrition’s Superfood Protein Smoothie offers a gluten-free nutritional blend of plant-based proteins, greens, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes.

Success with your gluten-free diet will most likely be determined by how you feel. For those with a sensitivity that do not have celiac disease, it might take trial and error to determine which levels of gluten-free foods actually need to be incorporated into your diet to make you feel best. Or for some others, it might be quite simply that making the choice to include more natural foods and avoid those that are processed is all that your body was asking for!

Superfood Protein Smoothie - provides the perfect package with its Gluten-Free blend of plant-based protein, nutrients and naturally occurring vitamins and minerals.

Click Here To Get Yours! »

Ground-Based Nutrition never uses artificial sweeteners, colors, dye, additives, or other synthetic chemicals. Superfood Protein Smoothie is vegan friendly, gluten free, soy free, whey free and dairy free.

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Charles Weller
Charles Weller

