Springtime is an excellent opportunity to do a little cleaning, for your diet. Kick-start your goals for the spring by utilizing the easy tips and tricks to make your spring clean eating fun and fulfilling journey!
Read Labels
Reading labels will encourage you to be more mindful of a food’s nutritional value. Examine the fat, sodium, and sugar content as well as other ingredients that have been guilty of wreaking havoc on your health or steering you away from your clean eating goals.
Eliminate Top Three Processed Foods
Start small by choosing the 3 top processed foods that are hurting your health. It could be candy bars, ice cream, cookies, potato chips or whatever you can successfully eliminate to improve your health.
Spice up vegetables
Make eating vegetables an enjoyable journey by trying something new by adding delicious herbs and spices. Browse the produce aisle at your local grocery store and be creative!
Mindful Eating Techniques
Simple mindful eating techniques can help you gain better control of your dietary goals. It’s a technique that’s based on mindfulness, a form of meditation to help notice your cravings, experiences, and physical sensations when it comes to eating.
Daily Mantras For Motivation
Mantras are a powerful tool to help redirect unwanted eating habits to motivate you through the most challenging parts of your journey. Recite these mantras to yourself daily to keep you focused on your thoughts to achieving your dietary goals.
Fun Ways to Drink Water
Water is a necessity for health with more than 76 percent of the US chronically dehydrated. If your water intake is low, try fun ways to make drinking water more exciting such as carrying an inspiring bottle, colorful drinking straws, and add fruit and herbs to ice cubes to upgrade your glass into a tasty, nutritious, and beautiful-looking beverage.
Decrease Portion Sizes
Practicing proper portion control can benefit you physically and financially to help your body to adjust to being satisfied with eating less food.
Prepare meals at home often
Fast food is a quick and convenient fix, but is not always a healthy choice. Give your body the spring cleaning it needs to by cooking fresh and healthier meals at home.
Take it one day at a time
Remember, it’s not necessary to make considerable changes to your diet to see positive results. Every little change counts and allows yourself to make small changes one day at a time.
Charles Weller