
by Bold Commerce Collaborator

At the start of the new year, we all want to feel our very best—to set the stage for a fresh start in living a healthier lifestyle.

More research is showing how switching over to a plant-based diet serves not only your health well, but can help the environment by preventing pollution and water depletion as well as ending planetary burdens.

Starting a plant-based diet to improve overall health is a worthy goal, but it can be a bit overwhelming. There are bound to be challenges when starting something new, but fortunately, there are simple steps to take to make the transition to a plant-based diet easier. 

Start Slow

It's exciting to start something new but at the same time can be challenging not knowing where to begin or getting rid of something accustomed to eating on a daily basis such as meat. It’s best to start off dedicating a day or two out of the first week to eating only plant-based foods. Make the journey fun by naming those dedicated days for example, “Meatless Mondays,” Whole-Foods Wednesday” or “Fresh Fruit Fridays.” Either way, everyone should start at their own pace. 

Find a Support Group

Starting a new lifestyle journey can feel lonely while being around friends and family that may not understand why the sudden change to a plant-based diet is necessary. As a result, the urge to give up becomes strong, especially when going through the journey alone. Conversing with others who are transiting to a plant-based diet can go a long way. Try simple efforts such as providing recipes, encouragement, and useful tips on how to stay on track to those going through the journey with you. 


Reading about the plant-based diet will help give a better understanding of what foods are allowed to making the transition fun and easier.

Remember the Goal

Write down your top reasons and what you wish to get out of starting a plant-based diet. Read your list every day for motivation and to increase your desire for staying committed to the diet.

Create Delicious Recipes

Simple actions such as tasting different spices, exotic vegetables, and grabbing a plant-based cookbook to help learn how to prepare recipes for optimal benefits are just the beginning to an exciting journey.

Don't Beat Yourself Down

There will be some days when you start to slip up. It’s going to take time to wean the body off of meat completely, so do your best and try not to beat yourself down with a setback.

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Bold Commerce Collaborator
Bold Commerce Collaborator

