
by Krystal Crawford

Detoxing has many life-changing benefits when done correctly. Before you decide you’re in need of a cleanse, there is some critical information to keep in mind on how to detox safely for notable results.

Consult a Qualified Practitioner

The first step in any effective, healthy detox is to work with a qualified practitioner. Research a specialist who has experience with strategic detox protocols and how they would work with you if you were to have a detox reaction. They can recommend personalized strategies that can help support and protect yourself when taking on a detox. These recommendations will help you live a healthy lifestyle that promotes ongoing detoxification long after the prospective detox phase ends.

Choose Whole Foods

Invest in organic fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains. Eliminate processed foods, sugar, and alcohol as much as possible.

Start Slow

It’s best to ease into detox to prevent overburdening the body. Eat fruits, vegetables and drink water two or three times a week. Slowly move up to detoxing for one full week when ready.

Break a Sweat

Daily exercise will help release toxins through sweat. Hitting the sauna is another way to getting rid of toxins from the body, plus, it’s fun.

Replenish Minerals

During a detox, you are losing minerals just as much as getting rid of the toxins. Minerals are essential to optimizing detox pathways and keeping biochemical processes in the body in check. Drinking an electrolyte will help ensure you are getting the proper level of essential minerals.

Stay Hydrated

The more filtered and clean water you drink, the more you urinate and the faster your body is able to get rid of toxins.

Consider Dietary Supplement Support

Dietary supplements are helpful to fill in the gaps of vitamins and minerals lost during the detox process. There are plenty of supplements to helping the kidneys and liver to function at their optimum. Consult a qualified practitioner about what supplements are needed for your unique case.

Adequate Sleep

Sleep is something we usually don’t think about when it comes to detox. Getting high-quality sleep can increase the body’s ability to detox.

Emotional Support

Be sure to perform positive self-talk, read daily mantras, meditate, pray, clearing energy, or whatever philosophy encourages you to stick to your detox.

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Krystal Crawford
Krystal Crawford

