
by Charles Weller

Photo: gettyimages.com

For most, the color black is famous as a slimming color when worn and not a choice color for food. The latest researcher is changing the minds of many by discovering the numerous benefits in black foods, from anti-aging and reducing the risk of certain cancers.

Black Garlic

The high amount of amino acids and phytocompounds is more common than white garlic. Black garlic has been shown to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, combact viral infections, encourage disease protection, and reduce the risk of cancer.

Black Figs

With the moderate source of soluble fiber, antioxidants, and minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium potassium which can help against osteroporosis and boost immunity. Vitamins A, E, K help to control blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol.

Black Sesame Seeds

Excellent source of iron for energy-boosting effects and help prevent iron deficiency anemia. The high protein and high-quality amino acid content make it a suitable addition to a vegetarian diet. Sprinkle sesame seeds on noodles, salads, and vegetables for added benefits and taste.


One cup of blackberries has around 31 milligrams of Vitamin C, which has been shown to be beneficial for wound healing, combat free radicals, battle colds, prevent scurvy and iron absorption.

Black Tea

The polyphenols in black tea have been useful to help decrease cell damage and remove free radicals. Studies have shown that theaflavins help lower elevated cholesterol and reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes. Those who consume 700 mg of black tea a day has reported reduced body weight.

Black Beans

Besides protein, black beans provide a large amount of insoluble and soluble fiber decreasing the risk of colon cancer and increasing satiety. Increased fiber has been shown to reduce bloating, constipation, and cardiovascular disease risk.

Black Quinoa

Gluten-free and filled with fiber, black quinoa has been known to lower blood cholesterol, prevent constipation, and stabilize blood sugar levels. One cup of black quinoa contains 5 grams of dietary fiber to reduce the risk of majority types of cancers.

Black Currant

Packed with antioxidants, black currents help strengthen the body’s natural defenses to battle colds and soothe flaming throats. The gamma-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid, found in black currants has been shown to reduce inflammation and help with overall cardiovascular health.

Black Olives

Increased amounts of antioxidants and monosaturated fats, olives are a popular addition to the Mediterranean diet to reduce harsh oxidative damage from cholesterol and atherosclerosis risk.

Charles Weller
Charles Weller

